You’re up

Many things can get in the way of our intended purpose for the day. We all know those types of events that stray us from the path and leave that frustrated feeling (traffic, spilled coffee, an argument, deadline missed, deadline approaching, endless travel,)

Accountability has been touched on briefly before and it is here again. No matter the hurdles that appear in our day the ultimate decision on dealing with them comes down to you.

You are up.

You can control how you react to a bad driver. How you react to missing a workout. Being disciplined in your reactions can have a beneficial effect on your overall mood and day.

Step up to the plate. Try to react to an adverse situation without anger and with gratitude. Your body and your mind will thank you. Search for the best in every situation and encounter. After all, you control how wonderful the life your living is. Make it amazing!

Make it the best day,
