Multi-level touch points

In business or personal relationships there are many opportunities for touch points. They can range from personal (stopping in and saying hello) to impersonal (sending an email).

As we move through our life we consider the best way to reach out to others. They can hit any point of the personal or not so personal meter. Always remember there is more than one option and the touch point you use will be determined by your desired outcome.

Email has its time and place as does the stop in. However, we all know that there is a time trade-off with each of these modalities.

The next time you need to make a touch point with a client or personal relationship consider your desired result. Do you wan to be another email in the flurry of hundreds and be easily forgettable? Or would you rather make an impact and be the client or friend that goes the extra mile?

All touch points have their time and place. Be mindful of when and how you select yours. Craft it to your situation and the desired reaction and outcome you would like to achieve.

Make it the best day!
