Infused water

Homemade infused water is better for you then store-bought. Here is a simple drink that tastes good and is east to make!

Pineapple, Mint, Ginger Water:

  • Place 4 cups thinly sliced pineapple (about 1 1/4 pounds), 5 sprigs mint (lightly crushed) and 8 round slices ginger (smashed) in a pitcher.
  • For still infused water, add 2 quarts of water. For sparkling water, add 1 quart of seltzer during prep and a second quart just before serving.
  • Refrigerate 2 to 4 hours to allow the ingredients to infuse. Stir well and strain, discarding the solids.
  • For serving, add fresh pineapple, mint and ginger for garnish and plenty of ice. The infused water will keep refrigerated for up to 2 days.

Make it the best day!
