Today we have a quick and easy recipe that will spice up any dish you choose to make along with it. It is easy and there can be as many subtractions or additions as you want. This makes a great supplement to any summer BBQ or mid week meal since it is so easy to make. This healthy side dish will make you want to experiment with foil packets every time you fire up the grill!
Main Ingredients:
4 Plums quartered
1 Large peach quartered
1 Small red onion (cut into half moons)
2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 Tablespoon red wine vinegar
Dash of fresh pepper and salt
Handful of fresh thyme or basil (I used basil for the packet that is pictured)

After you have mixed all the ingredients, make a foil pouch. I had to use two big sheets to fit all the ingredients. The grill heat should be medium, if you hold your hand over the coals it should be able to be there for about 3 – 4 seconds before becoming too hot. Cover and let grill for about 10 -15 minutes.

Once it is done, be careful taking it off the grill for it will be hot! You can open up the packet to let it cool for a short time before serving. Feel free to tear a few pieces of fresh basil or thyme to top it all off.

It can be served by itself or along side a protein or main dish to supply a great flavor punch and freshness to any meal!

Serve it up warm and enjoy!