Tag Archives: 365 Day Blog

Jump start your Saturday

Wake up.


Grab a coffee.

Get out and go for an hour walk.

Chances are you have done three of the four above this morning.Ā I am going to guess the hour walk hasn’t happened. Fear not! There is still time.

Get the blood flowing, bring a water bottle and enjoy these fall type temperatures!

Movement is the best medicine and it’s free šŸ™‚

Make it the best day!


Organization and leadership

Building your business requires a grasp on organization and delegation. No matter how large or small your company may be. As you begin to scale, your structure and hierarchy must also change and grow with you.

It is imperative to keep all team members on the same page as everyone takes on more tasks or new employees are hired. Ā As a move to scale begins orĀ progresses, tasks and duties can fall through the cracks. This is where organization is key to success.

Each step up requires monitoring and leadership. The employees should know their responsibilities and what is expected of them. This is not to say micro managing is needed. Instead accountability and discipline are integral in this equation.

As a leader, you organize your team to set the business up for success. Each employee is well versed in the product or service and holds themselves to a high standard of success.

By allocating the correct resources and keeping the employees working toward a unified goal, the business will continue to scale and be successful.

As an owner, take responsibility. Lead by example everyday. Organize a winning team and attitude. A profitable product or service will result, all with a little side of customer satisfaction : )

Make it the best day!


Invest in yourself

What propels you forward in life to learn new things? Why do we choose to learn a new language or make ourselves more appealing to future employers?

It is obviously a myriad of reasons, make more money, be better equipped for the future.

Whatever the reason may be the rationale remains the same.

It is always a good idea to invest in yourself.

Learn a new trade, learn a new skill, immerse yourself in a new language. The journey might have its ups and downs but you will come out a richer person. Not just in a monetary sense. Investing in yourself means you are understand the value of growing as an individual. It opens your eyes and mind up to new avenues you have never seen before.

Put the time and money into a new endeavor and become a learner. Always learn, stay connected to who you are and grow everyday.

Make it the best day!


What’s on your shopping list?

There are a lot of temptations in the grocery store aisles. The sugary cereals, processed food and high sugar drinks.

Before going to the store it is best to make a list of things you need. This will help you avoid impulse buys (that usually fall on the not so healthy side.)

Be disciplined as you go through the aisle and keep your main nutrition goals in mind. If your main goal is to eat fresh and healthy as possible, stay to the outside of the store. The perimeter has all of the fresh fruits, veggies, and meats. In the aisles is where the traps lurk with processed foods.

The grocery store can be a place where your meal plan falters or really shines. Make it shine by being prepared, staying to the outside and using discipline.

Make it the best day!



The school season has started up again and that means parents can get back in a routine. Ā Getting the kids off to the bus on time, picking them up after school everyday.

With routine comes freedom. There is a structure to the day Monday through Friday.

Use this routine and structure to your advantage. Plan you workouts around it and meal prep. If there has been a procrastination in hitting your workout goals of 3 days a week, now is the time to start.

Mark the days down on your calendar and make it happen. The routine is back in full swing, make it work for you!

Make it the best day!



What makes a good workout? Is is the sweating, the music, an empty gym to yourself?

Many factors come into play. However, above all else one theme should ring true.


It can be in the gym or in your personal life. If you make progress, no matter how small it may be, it is a success. Every step leads to a bigger step (as we discussed last week.)

Instead of doing 20 push ups for 3 sets for the sixth week in a row. Do 25 push ups for 3 sets…Progress!!!

Move past your norm, challenge your body and your ability to create new possibilities and realities in your life.

Make it the best day!


1 day challenge

What have you been wanting to do and been putting off?

One thing that will take you out of your comfort zone. Perhaps only for 1 minute or 1 full day.

This is the 1 day challenge. Do one thing today that you haven’t done before or have been saying “I am going to do ________ this weekend, I swear this time!”

Do it. Then after the fact give yourself a high-five and a pat on the back!

Make it the best day!



It can feel as if you have all or none. Moving with momentum is the easiest part of moving. Why? Because you have assistance, the drive! When you don’t have momentum, everything can feel 100% harder.

How do we regain it? Did we ever lose it?

Focus on your task, little steps end up completing the end goal.

Those little steps build momentum and ultimately help in achieving that end goal.

Create your momentum and fuel it with small steps everyday to achieve your desired result!

Make it the best day!


Hawaiian pork with pineapple slaw

Happy Friday!

We made this recipe the other night and it was too amazing to not share! The slaw was bright, crisp and paired perfectly with the meat. Enjoy!

Hawaii Hula Pork Fajitas with Pineapple Slaw and Coconut Rice

Make it the best day!


Keep your head up

No matter what your goals may be there are roadblocks and hurdles. Little things that try stop or hinder you from your goal.

This may go on for 1,2 or 3 months. However, if you keep your intent positive and do the little things that you know will help achieve your goal, you will make it!!

Take the smallest victories on your way to your big goal. If a hurdle pops up, face it with the intent of learning and progressing. By keeping aĀ positive outlook in the face of adversity not only will it make the journey a lot better, but it will make the victory that much sweeter!!

Keep your head up. Have an open mindset every day. Remember. yesterday’s successes or hurdles are in the past. If we truly want to reach our goals we need to treat everyday as new and wonderful opportunity. (BecauseĀ it is šŸ™‚

Make it the best day!
