Happy Halloween

Dress up in a fun outfit and make some people laugh!

Be the house that gives out full size candy bars, because come on, we all love that!!

This can be quite the Monday if you enjoy the spirit of the day (insert ghost emoji here)

Make it the best day!


Are you working enough?

Hmmm…that is an interesting question.

What constitutes enough? Is the amount you work determined by what you’re paid? Or is the amount determined by your title? Is outside perception driving how much time you work? Do you feel pressured to do more, even if you think you’re where you are supposed to be?

As stated yesterday, there is always room for improvement. However, do we always have to focus that on our work life? How about stepping back and enjoying what we are actually working for.  Understandably there are times when 50-60 hour work weeks are required based on projects or a deadline. After that deadline passes do we recover and re-calibrate our work/life balance?

In today’s age we can (and most of us do) work 7 days a week. Answering emails, going in for a couple of hours to catch up. We rarely see a separation of work and life. Hence, the reason I am writing this for Sunday. In hopes, that you are reading this with a cup of coffee, tea or juice and relaxing. Enjoying what you have worked all week and year for….your time.

Your work schedule differs from quite possibly everyone else in your life. However, finding what works for you (no pun intended) is where the magic happens.

Work/life balance is becoming lost in the shuffle of constant communication.

Do you enjoy what you’re doing? Are you satisfied with the end result? Do you find time to be with the ones you love and do the activities your enjoy?

Finish that coffee and go make it the best day!



Downtime can be relaxing, rewarding and wasted. Depending on the mood you are in or the place you are at. Make your downtime count. Complete your to-do list. Finish the book you have been reading or if it is R&R you’re after…enjoy it.

Try not to settle into wasting your precious time by scrolling through endless web pages. Make progress in an area of your life. That can be recovery, re-charging or learning.

Downtime can be hard to come by. Make the most of it.

Make it the best day!


Over the top celebration

Over the top does not equal moderation. Moderation is the key to maintaining and living a healthy lifestyle.

Sleep in moderation

Eat in moderation

Drink in moderation

Exercise in moderation

Anything can be overdone and have negative effects on the body. Enjoy your workouts, don’t let them run your life. Have a glass of wine, but don’t let the bottle derail your diet goals. Maintain a s good sleep schedule to avoid over sleeping and becoming too tired during the day.

Enjoy life to the fullest by practicing moderation.

Make it the best day!


Second guessing

Was the result the desired outcome? Should you have invested more or less time and money? I wish I could go back and do something different.

That’s second guessing. We look back and see what we would have done differently, however that is done with new information at our disposal. That is the kicker.

We second guess when we have new information or we have seen a result or lack thereof. You made a decision based on the best information you had at the time. If that decision can’t be changed after learning new information, then live with it. You made the best choice you could have at that time. Learn from the experience if necessary, but don’t beat yourself up. It is a useless exercise and will only hinder your future growth.

If you learn more information after you have made a decision and you DO have the ability to change or alter your course. Then do it, don’t be stubborn and stick to your old decision. This is close to a sunk cost, but unlike a sunk cost, there is an opportunity here to change course and be successful.

If you made a decision and can’t change it after the fact, live with your decision and don’t beat yourself up.

If you made a decision and new information then arises that causes you to change your previous thought process; then change your course and adapt.

Make it the best day!



No matter how big or tiny they might seem. An achievement is important and should be acknowledged. We strive to hit our goals everyday. Celebrate the victories and feel good about them!

Don’t write off an achievement as meaningless or too small. Every little one counts and can lead to bigger and better things.

Big goals are achieved by small achievements. Let’s celebrate them all!

Make it the best day!


Daily reflection

What happens in the morning routine? Is there time set aside for your gratitude. If there currently is not, make some time. It can be anytime from 1 minute to 5 minutes. There are a couple of moments during the morning that can double as reflection time.

Brushing your teeth, during your shower, the drive into work, or anytime you can process your thoughts.

Think of a few things you are grateful for (shoes, waking up, food, having shelter) and say it out loud. (That might be a little tough when you’re brushing your teeth 🙂

The point of the exercise is to get your mind and body in a positive state and send good feels through your system. It’s hard to be crabby or upset when you’re being thankful. Be thankful for a few minutes a day and make it into a habit.

Take a look back after a week and see how far you have come.

Make it the best day!


Monday prep

We have touched on this point before. However, preparation is key to success at the beginning of any week. Prepare your meals on Sunday. Lay out your clothes each night for the next day. Plan you workouts for the week, so your busy days won’t throw a wrench in your fitness.

Preparation breads success. Be prepared and conquer your week.

Make it the best day!


Pumpkin patch

Go there. Get pumpkins, apple cider and fresh doughnuts.

It’s Saturday and pumpkin patches are a wonderful place to be with friends.

Make it the best day!



Fall Fridays are pleasant for their temperature and changing colors.

Take advantage of the wonderful evenings by inviting friends over and catching up. Or plan a family night and make some good food.

Start the weekend off right by being with the people who mean the most.

Make it the best day!
