Rescuing an animal is rewarding, and can be challenging and overwhelming. If you have been thinking about it. Do the research and look at local shelters.
You never know what new pal you might find.
Make it the best day!
Rescuing an animal is rewarding, and can be challenging and overwhelming. If you have been thinking about it. Do the research and look at local shelters.
You never know what new pal you might find.
Make it the best day!
Stressed out about the commute to work tomorrow? Unless you are walking or riding your bike, chances are there will be a car drive, bus or train ride involved. How can you turn the stress of a morning commute into a pleasant trip?
Select music that is calming and has those good vibes. : )
Try to avoid music that has an over aggressive tone and speed. It will amplify the stress of traffic. Find some surfing tunes, classic samba or flamenco. Pleasant feels will follow, guaranteed.
If you don’t have to drive to work, pick up a good book or the paper to read. Expand your knowledge or find and enjoyable book that will take your mind on fun journey.
There are many things that can derail a good morning. Take it into your hands to make your day the best it can be from the start.
Remember your actions determine your outcomes. Be positive and enjoy your Monday!
Make it the best day!
If you are having trouble eating quality meals throughout the week, try doing a cook day on Sunday. You can make a few meals that will last for the week and make health eating an option.
Pick out a few recipes that have veggies and whole foods in them. Freeze the leftovers and you will be set! Cooking in advance helps eliminate searching for meals mid-week after a stressful day. It will keep you on track and help you feel better after a rough day.
Make it the best day!
Make it the best day!
What were the goals you set out to achieve in 2016? We are rapidly approaching the end of the year and now is a great time to asses how far you have come and what you have achieved!
Makes note of your success and what you could have improved on. Be honest when you self assessment. Can you get all of your goals accomplished by the end of 2016? Or is it going to transfer over to 2017?
Even if it does carry over to next year, there is nothing wrong with that. Start planning now to make the most out of your 2017 goals.
Re-assessing your goals and objectives is in an integral part achieving more and progressing.
Make it the best day!
Sleep. Eat well. Repeat.
If stress is getting the better of you, slow your system down. Don’t push harder. Take stock of how you feel and when.
Get more sleep, eat more veggies and whole foods and break the stress cycle.
Take care of yourself. It pays off in the long run.
Make it the best day!
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Lost? Looking for a file that you can’t find? Don’t know how to pronounce a word in a foreign language?
Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re stupid. It means you want to make sure you get it right. There is no shame is asking questions. Society makes us feel like we should know everything. We obviously don’t, so ask!
Personally or professionally, be the thoughtful question master.
Make it the best day!
Wanting to get a good exercise day in but have no equipment? Find the hills and steps in your current city or town. If your work or the nearest attraction is only 1 mile away, walk.
Explore the city, take in the sights and sounds. Connect with where you are.
You will notice things that passed right by when you drove or took the bus. Engage in your surroundings. This is especially important when traveling and exploring new cities. Intricate doorways and windows can be missed by taking the tram everywhere. Not only will you see more sights, but the exercise you get will feel wonderful!
Make it the best day!
How many of those pesky emails are sitting in your inbox? The intention of leaving them there so it reminds you to do it later.
Here is a challenge for the week. Clean up your inbox to have three to five emails TOTAL! (I don’t like typing in all caps, but it seemed appropriate there)
Instead of having an inbox full of emails you might get to. Settle in, read and respond. Then move them to the appropriate folder. Organization starts with discipline.
Make it the best day!
Need to get a high intensity workout in but don’t have a lot of time this morning?
Well you’re in luck!
Do each exercise for 30 seconds then rest for 15 seconds. Move on to the next exercise and repeat until you have moved through the whole workout. Rest for 2 minutes then repeat 5 times! If you want to really challenge yourself make the work times 1 minute and 30 seconds rest.
Jumping Jacks
Pushups- Regular or modified
Prisoner Squats
Walking lunges
Stair or hill runs
Bear crawls on the ground (grass preferred here)
Make it the best day!