Tag Archives: Mindset

What’s your time worth?

Have many times have you sat down and said, “Well that was a waste of my time”.

Calculate how much your time is worth. Does what you’re doing make you happy? Is what you are doing furthering an endeavor you are passionate about?

Time is finite. It is a limited asset. Delve into what makes you happy and is worth you time.

Once you have figured that out, do it! If certain activities or people need to be phased out….well so be it.

Your life and your time. Make it count.

Make it the best day!


Embrace the day

Yesterday might have not gone how you wanted it to.

Tomorrow can go either way, we don’t know.

However, we can create today and live in the moment.

Failures and successes from the past are just that. Failures and successes in the past. They do not have a direct correlation on how you will become successful today. Unless you plan to dwell on the failures and let them shape your view of the present.

Create the day you want. Live it with gratitude. Do not let yesterday dictate today.

Make it the best day!



What is your ultimate goal? Is it to retire in 5 years? Sky dive everyday until you are 90?

Whatever that goal is, plan a route to get there. Create one big, huge goal. Then work backwards to find the best way to achieve it.

You will surprised by far you can break down a seemingly impossible goal and make it a reality.

As Bill Murray said in the hilarious movie – What about Bob? – “Baby steps Dr. Marvin, baby steps.”

Single out your goal. Plan the steps to get there. Put it on a timeline and make it happen!

Make it the best day!




The snooze alarm. Your favorite button on the clock or your phone?

What if you woke up feeling refreshed and didn’t hit that darn thing every morning?

Give it a try to see how you feel. Instead of staying up watching TV for the last half hour before bed, turn off all electronics and go through your nighttime routine.

The lack of artificial light will help your body get ready for sleep. When you fall asleep quicker you have the opportunity to get more rest.

Better sleep equates to more energy in the morning and waking up feeling refreshed.

Give that snooze button a rest and wake up when that alarm goes off.

Make it the best day!


Daily blog

Seth Godin is a bright mind. He is actually where I got the idea for the daily blog. Every day I stop by his page sethgodin.typepad.com to read his insights. Lots of great ideas flow from his mind and I couldn’t resist sharing his post from this past weekend.

Managing the gap

There’s a space between where you are now and where you want to be, ought to be, are capable of being.
A gap between your reality and your possibility.Imagine that space as a gulf or a chasm and you’ll become paralyzed, stuck in the current situation.
And refuse to see it at all and you’ll merely be self-satisfied, and just as stuck.The magic of forward movement is seeing the space as leap-sized, as something that persistent, consistent effort can get you through.
The most likely paths are the ones where you can see the steps.Your problem might not be that you’re not trying hard enough. It might be that you’re seeing the opportunity in the wrong way.
His post echos what I talk about on a daily basis. Managing your mindset and seeing your success. I would suggest stopping by his page everyday as well for a different insight and view. His posts are short and sweet, but filled valuable nuggets.
Make it the best day!

Fear of Failure

Confronted with a decision, our gut instinct is to choose the path that avoids failure. Which path is less likely to result in failure? That is not necessarily a good or bad thing in itself.

However, when we look at the decisions we make throughout the day, how many times did we take the safe path? How many times did we take the ‘riskier’ path that could have resulted in failure but also a greater reward in the end?

It is an instinct to choose the easy path to our chosen version of success. Nine times out of ten if we knew one path would give us less than modest returns, but require little effort. We would end up taking that road. What about the other road? A little more effort but instead of a 1/2 step forward it is a leap?! How do you get that reward? You have to be willing to accept failure.

Failure in itself it not bad.

If you fail, you will learn more from your experience and be able to move forward faster and with more knowledge.

We know this from famous quotes about failure being the first step to success.

“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be” – John Wooden

“If you don’t try at anything, you can’t fail… it takes back bone to lead the life you want” – Richard Yates

“You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.” – Johnny Cash

Rethink what failure is. Why have we classified it as bad thing? If your choices that you made throughout the day were down the ‘risky’ path imagine where you would be at the end of the day.

Leaps and bounds from where you woke up, instead of a 1/2 step from where you were.

Make it the best day!


Multi-level touch points

In business or personal relationships there are many opportunities for touch points. They can range from personal (stopping in and saying hello) to impersonal (sending an email).

As we move through our life we consider the best way to reach out to others. They can hit any point of the personal or not so personal meter. Always remember there is more than one option and the touch point you use will be determined by your desired outcome.

Email has its time and place as does the stop in. However, we all know that there is a time trade-off with each of these modalities.

The next time you need to make a touch point with a client or personal relationship consider your desired result. Do you wan to be another email in the flurry of hundreds and be easily forgettable? Or would you rather make an impact and be the client or friend that goes the extra mile?

All touch points have their time and place. Be mindful of when and how you select yours. Craft it to your situation and the desired reaction and outcome you would like to achieve.

Make it the best day!


In need of a break?

It’s hard to listen to your body sometimes. We are trained to push everything to the limit. If we are sore or tired, keep pushing to achieve your goals. What about if your body is exhausted and needs a break? How about a recovery day or two?

Your body and mind need rest throughout the week. It can be from exercise, computers, phones, TV. All of those mediums cause fatigue in different ways.  It is important to recognize when your body needs to reset. It can be in the form of a little more sleep, going easy instead of hard during a workout or not putting as much stress on yourself to achieve.

Our bodies are not machines that never need maintenance. We need to care for them and listen to them. Once you listen to your body more closely you might be surprised at what it has to say.

Make it the best day!


Finding your zen and exploring your zone

What makes you happy and gives you the feeling of being at ease?

Today for me it was on the spin bike with the right music. I was flooded with feelings that made my Monday morning more enjoyable than I could have thought. At minute two my thoughts gravitated towards the following.

  • Being present
  • Setting an intention
  • Positive affirmations
  • Gratitude
  • Motivation
  • Clearing my head

Your happy place and space can be anywhere doing anything. Try to find it more than once a week. You will feel recharged and do things you didn’t think possible.

Make it the best day!


Saturday Session

Wake up! Dance! It’s Saturday!

Celebrate the week that you had and wonderful weekend that lies ahead.

Live in the moment and celebrate what the day holds for you!

Be present with your family and friends while you live in gratitude!

Make it the best day!
