We wake up each day with the intention of having the best day we can. In some cases we carry on pretty well. In others, we have to fight through muck and keep our eyes downstream.
Each day we can only control so much. Certain decisions are completely above us or out of our scope and control. It’s those days that are hardest. How do we keep a positive outlook when we can’t control anything?
It is during these times that paying it forward and being the best human you can be on an individual level matters the most. How you treat the grocery clerk, your next customer, your boyfriend or girlfriend or best friend. Every day interactions count in the big picture. Just like doing exercise for 10 minutes a day adds up over 365 days, being kind, loving and living with gratitude adds up every day.
Not everything will be in our control. It hinders us on an individual level if we let those instances fuel anger or negative emotions.
Once you have determined your best course of action, remain positive! Don’t let anger override your best intentions that you set for the day. Remember that you have to live with yourself all day and the decisions that you ultimately make.
Help make those decisions the best ones possible for your life and the community around you. Stay positive, pay it forward, be nice and live with gratitude. Then you are truly in control.
Make it the best day!