Tag Archives: Self-Talk

Control everything! (or not)

We wake up each day with the intention of having the best day we can. In some cases we carry on pretty well. In others, we have to fight through muck and keep our eyes downstream.

Each day we can only control so much. Certain decisions are completely above us or out of our scope and control. It’s those days that are hardest.  How do we keep a positive outlook when we can’t control anything?

It is during these times that paying it forward and being the best human you can be on an individual level matters the most. How you treat the grocery clerk, your next customer, your boyfriend or girlfriend or best friend. Every day interactions count in the big picture.  Just like doing exercise for 10 minutes a day adds up over 365 days, being kind, loving and living with gratitude adds up every day.

Not everything will be in our control.  It hinders us on an individual level if we let those instances fuel anger or negative emotions.

Once you have determined your best course of action, remain positive! Don’t let anger override your best intentions that you set for the day. Remember that you have to live with yourself all day and the decisions that you ultimately make.

Help make those decisions the best ones possible for your life and the community around you. Stay positive, pay it forward, be nice and live with gratitude. Then you are truly in control.

Make it the best day!



Find your passion, connect with people, build relationships. The money will come, it’s secondary.

Having a positive impact on someone’s life will mean more than any monetary value.

Make it the best day!


Slight delay

To my loyal readers!!

Sorry about the delay in-between posts. There has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes (think of the curtain in the Wizard of Oz) to create a new logo and rebrand for 2017.

There will be more blog posts to come, they just might trickle out a little slower here in December. Kind of like molasses at this time of year…you know… 🙂

It has been a great year and new opportunities are around every corner. Remember to keep your eyes open. You never know where the next big step forward will come from.

Keep you positive affirmations going. Say them often and say them loud! (The car or shower is a great place for this) Your intent creates your reality, be as strong with your intent as possible. The return will be quicker and more fruitful than you could have imagined!

Take advantage of this wonderful Friday, rejoice that you woke up to live it!

Make it the best day!



Look up

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, wonder about what makes the universe exist, be curious. However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.”

– Stephen Hawking

Make it the best day!


Constant motion

We can be static in our learning or we can progress. If the choice is made to progress, great things happen. It opens up new doors and paths you never saw in the first place.

Our society likes things to be neat. You should be in this job for X amount of years and then retire. Well, that isn’t for everyone. Even if you are currently in that position and not loving it, then why not change?

You can create any reality that you envision. Yes, it will take some work, but the reward is more than worth it. Financial freedom, scheduling freedom, peace of mind and a work life balance. All of that is possible and closer than you think.

Be in motion, learn things that excite you. Seek out challenges. Overcome them and see where it takes you. Chances are you didn’t see that path or door just 2 days ago.

Make it the best day!


Re-ignite your fire

Has there been motivation lacking in your daily routine? Has your inner fire subsided?

Re-ignite that fire. Find your passion again. What is something you do every week that makes you excited? What makes you jump up and down and get giddy?

Sit down and think about this. What puts the smile on your face?

Find that and create around it. Re-ignite your fire in the area that you desire. Even if it only starts once per week, build on that. Make your life exciting again. Create the life you want to live and live it everyday to the fullest.

Make it the best day!


Live with love

No matter what happens, we need to live with love and gratitude. The only way we can see change in the world is to treat everyone better.

If we are divided, then we can not move forward.

Treat everyone with respect, love and gratitude. That will go farther than hate, name calling and grandiose verbiage ever will.

Live with love.

Make it the best day!


Nail in your tire

A nail in your tire. Something you normally can’t fix yourself and leaves you in momentary lurch for between 20 minutes and 3 hours. (Depending on what kind of assistance service you have or when this nail decided to strike)

The tire is running flat and you need a repair. You can’t drive on it, so now, all your days plans take a backseat. This is a frustrating time. Chances are when the alarm went off you didn’t think..”How will I deal with the flat tire today?!”

This scenario plays across our daily lives more than we think. It might not be a nail in your tire to change your day, it can be a meeting cancellation, lost wallet, sudden complaint from a high priority client.

All of the above situations are curveballs we didn’t see coming when we greeted the day. How we deal with these moments will define the rest of the day and the way you feel. Find gratitude in the event that just took place. In most cases, it can always be worse. Find the positive and reflect on that. Make plans to overcome the disturbance with minimal day interruption and adjust your day the best you can. It won’t be the “perfect” day we had imagined, but how you overcome and move on will determine how you feel and act for the rest of the day.

Remain focused on gratitude and positives that you are currently experiencing. That will help make that nail in your tire just a small bump in an otherwise successful day in your great life.

Make it the best day!


Over the top celebration

Over the top does not equal moderation. Moderation is the key to maintaining and living a healthy lifestyle.

Sleep in moderation

Eat in moderation

Drink in moderation

Exercise in moderation

Anything can be overdone and have negative effects on the body. Enjoy your workouts, don’t let them run your life. Have a glass of wine, but don’t let the bottle derail your diet goals. Maintain a s good sleep schedule to avoid over sleeping and becoming too tired during the day.

Enjoy life to the fullest by practicing moderation.

Make it the best day!


Second guessing

Was the result the desired outcome? Should you have invested more or less time and money? I wish I could go back and do something different.

That’s second guessing. We look back and see what we would have done differently, however that is done with new information at our disposal. That is the kicker.

We second guess when we have new information or we have seen a result or lack thereof. You made a decision based on the best information you had at the time. If that decision can’t be changed after learning new information, then live with it. You made the best choice you could have at that time. Learn from the experience if necessary, but don’t beat yourself up. It is a useless exercise and will only hinder your future growth.

If you learn more information after you have made a decision and you DO have the ability to change or alter your course. Then do it, don’t be stubborn and stick to your old decision. This is close to a sunk cost, but unlike a sunk cost, there is an opportunity here to change course and be successful.

If you made a decision and can’t change it after the fact, live with your decision and don’t beat yourself up.

If you made a decision and new information then arises that causes you to change your previous thought process; then change your course and adapt.

Make it the best day!
